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EPScm are a responsible Construction Management organisation, we care about the Health, Safety and Well-being of our people and all stakeholders either involved in or effected in some way by our business activity. We respect the impact our works may have on the site or wider environments and plan meticulously to avoid any conflicts. We are proud of our track record having had:


• No RIDDOR events relating to Health, Safety and the environment


• No HSE enforcements 


• No adverse comments or notices from the HSE for the entire trading
history of our business despite many unannounced HSE visits

EPScm is proud to be certified to not only ISO 9001 &14001 but also ISO 45001. This shows our ongoing commitment to health and safety that has been externally verified by our external auditors, World Certification Services. In addition to this we are also certified to Safe Supplier status by Alcumus.

As Principal Contractor we ensure the duties and requirements placed on us under the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 are correctly executed, specifically the planning, management, monitoring and coordination of health and safety throughout the entire Design and Construction phases.

We employ a full-time in-house Compliance & Sustainability Manager, Gareth Wood. Regular unannounced safety audits are carried out by Gareth to ensure every project and all involved live up to our strong HSE Culture, remaining compliant with legislation and good practice guidance and continued improvement in all aspects of Health, Safety,


Well-being and the Environmental management. These audits are followed up by a detailed report of the audit and shared with the client. Gareth’s CV along with the rest of the management team is captured in the section titled Our Team.

Detailed construction phase plans are prepared in advance by our construction managers and reviewed by our compliance manager, before being submitted to the principal designer and client for comment and/or revision. We also generate a Risk Register as early as possible.


During the tender period we meet to discuss project risks as well as H&S risks. To date we deem the following to be the top five risks but accompany the risks with mitigation strategies:

A snapshot of some key QHSE processes employed by EPScm

EPScm has a portfolio of trusted companies that form our supply chain, built up over years of safe and successful project delivery we maintain close working relationships with the Directors of our supply chain to ensure that their leadership and ethos or working safely is aligned with our own. Before working with EPScm our suppliers must first successfully complete our own PQQ process ensuring they meet our compliance requirements; safety statistics, certifications where necessary, appropiate insurances, references, and site visits to their premises.

Key processes engaged onsite to ensure a culture of Health and Safety is adopted include:

  • CPHSP: our construction phase health and safety plan is available to all for review. Its set out how safety will be managed on this project. A live document which is updated as and when necessary, until the project is complete.

  • Site inductions: the first opportunity to set out the site rules; culture; risks etc.

  • Daily Briefings: managed by our site manager, a quick daily meeting with all supply chain managers to ensure tasks are known, coordinated, key risks raised and changes to the site demise identified and communicated.

  • RAMs process issued to EPScm in an agreed timescale in advance of the works for review and comment. Our RAMs acceptance form is the tool used to accept or comment up on all RAMs.

  • Toolbox Talks to discuss a particularly significant safety message or to communicate a significant event or change

  • Unannounced site audits: these are undertaken by our compliance manager and the report is shared unedited to all involved including the client.

  • ASB: all site bulletins communications where EPScm communicate learnings or events across all sites.

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